The Ultimate Home Maintenance Guide

For many homeowners, home maintenance happens only when something goes bad. Overflowing gutters, balky furnaces, chimneys that refuse to draw provoke an expensive emergency call to service technicians. If you want to limit or even eliminate service delays and cost, preserve your home’s value, and keep everyone comfortable, follow this home maintenance guide on a […]

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Advantages of DIY-ing

DIY is becoming more and more trendy these days and a lot of people are taking matters into their own hands. With more focus being put on customization, people are no longer turning to professionals to have their wishes realized. Some advantages that come with DIY are as follows: Saves Cost When you know how […]

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Basic Tools every Handyman Needs (Part 2)

In the last blog, we saw the basic tools that every handyman needed. Apart from the usual screwdrivers, wrenches, saws, and so on, a handyman needs more sophisticated tools. If you want to achieve more efficiency, you’ll need these tools as well. Nail Gun A nail gun is practical and time-saving as it automates the […]

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Basic Tools every Handyman Needs (Part 1)

A well-equipped toolbox and workshop is something every handyman needs. For any DIY projects and small repairs, you need to have a set of good quality tools that’ll help you achieve your goal. Whether it is repairing your oven or preparing your home for the holidays, these tools will be of great help. Screwdriver Set […]

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Repairing your Oven

You’re back from the store with all the ingredients you need for a delicious meal when you suddenly discover your oven’s not working. Guess it’s going to be some takeout tonight! Here are some solutions to your oven problems. Oven Temperature If your food is overcooked or under-cooked, then there might be an issue with […]

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Preparing your Home for the Holidays

The holidays are in full swing! In just a few more weeks, you’ll be confronted with Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year, and so many other festivities. So, you need to make sure that your home is ready when your guests are coming. Follow these simple guidelines to prepare your home for the holidays. Check your […]

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Welcome to Home Services

Welcome to my blog! Inspired by my love for easy handy work around the house, this blog will cover everything about home services and repairs. My goal is to share valuable knowledge and experience when it comes to repairing the broken stuff in your home. From ovens to wallpapers, we’re going to cover everything. Is […]

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